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Collaborative Divorce Part I

Collaborative Divorce Part I

Collaborative divorce is an alternative method for couples facing divorce.  Through the collaborative process, spouses pledge to resolve all issues without court intervention.

The Collaborative Divorce Team

A unique feature of the collaborative divorce process is that spouses will work with specially trained and skilled professionals to reach a fair negotiated settlement, while avoiding the cost, time, and uncertainties of litigation.

These professionals include an attorney for each spouse, mental health divorce coaches, child specialists, and may include a financial specialist.

Family-Centered and Creative Solutions

Because spouses and their collaborative team commit to negotiate a mutually acceptable and sustainable resolution without court intervention, collaborative divorce is a much more client-centered and solution-orientated process than traditional litigation.

The very nature of this process promotes respect between spouses transitioning through divorce.  Instead of a “one size fits all” model that is most often relied upon in a litigated divorce, participants in the collaborative process have the ability to tailor a settlement that reflects the unique needs and desires of their family.

Is Collaborative Divorce Right for You?

Collaborative divorce isn’t appropriate for every case.  In order for collaborative divorce to be successful, both spouses must commit to settling the case outside of court.  Spouses must also commit to the collaborative process, which is founded on honesty, cooperation, integrity, and professionalism.  A collaboratively trained attorney will be able to provide a recommendation for whether collaborative divorce is right for your case.  It is not necessary that you and your spouse agree on all issues prior to entering collaborative divorce.  However, it is necessary that you and your spouse are committed to resolving all issues in a fair and equitable manner without court intervention.

By leveraging the expertise of the collaborative team, spouses can focuses on the legal, emotional, and financial needs of themselves and their children.  The collaborative process provides an alternative framework for divorce that minimizes conflict and focuses on reaching custom-tailored solutions for each case.

Angela Lennon

Angela Lennon is a certified collaborative lawyer and a member of the Nebraska Academy of Collaborative Professionals. If you or your spouse is considering a divorce, contact our office to schedule a consultation (or call 402-346-1132) to learn more about collaborative divorce and to find out if a collaborative divorce is right for you.
