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Tag: Stress


Resisting Relaxing

I believe in the rule of three. When I hear something three times, I pay attention. “Relax” said my friend, watching my analysis of the political happenings of the day, my voice speeding up as though to catch my waving arms. “Relax” said my instructor at my Tuesday night belly dance lesson as my mind battled with my body. “Relax” said my co-worker as I battled an imaginary opponent, explaining with agitation my missed deadline. Am I really that uptight? Does my mere presence make others anxious?  Am I the antithesis of easy going? I picture myself a positive person,
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The Risk of the Rush

After the doctor examined me he handed me a list of recommendations. At the top list were three simple words: Do not rush. It was an appropriate prescription. My driving record revealed I’d had more than one speeding ticket in the same year. I completed college in three years. I opted for the “Fast Track” program when I studied to be a coach. And in far too many moments my mouth has moved at a speed far faster than my brain.  With the exceptions of the time it takes me to run a 5k or to learn my life lessons,
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Snow Day

This morning I awoke before the sun.  The sky was somehow tinged pink, having discarded its usual black, to cast an illumination on the snow falling.  Everything was still and quiet as the snow gave its salute to serenity.  I sat still for the better part of an hour watching the snowflakes fall against the pink backdrop fading to gray with the start of the day.  It was a snow day. My daughter excitedly sent me a message full of exclamation points at 7:24 a.m. when she learned the news.  I coordinated my work team on when we could safely
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