Custody Modifications
Parenting Plan Modifications:
For parents involved in a modification action regarding custody or parenting time issues for their children, there are certain requirements.
Second Level Parenting Education Course:
The Nebraska Parenting Act may require parents involved in a modification action addressing issues of custody or parenting time to attend a second level parenting education course.
Parents in Douglas County may attend the “Reaching Beyond Conflict” parenting seminar through the Conciliation Court in Douglas County. The registration fee for this course is $50.00. For more information, contact the Conciliation Court at (402) 444 – 7168.
Additional parenting courses that have been approved by the State of Nebraska can be found on the Nebraska Supreme Court’s website: Parenting Classes.
We recommend attending the seminar as early in your case as possible.
The Nebraska Parenting Act requires parenting plans to include a provision for resolving future disputes or disagreements through mediation or another form of alternative dispute resolution. Generally, parenting plans will require parents to attempt to mediate a disputed issue prior to seeking judicial intervention by filing a modification action with the court.
Schedule a consultation to speak with an attorney regarding any requirements that you must meet prior to filing a legal action.4