The Nebraska Parenting Act
Parenting Education Seminar
Parents in a paternity action involving custody or parenting time are required to attend a parenting education seminar. This seminar educates and prepares you to begin developing your Parenting Plan.
For parents in Douglas County, there is a seminar held at the Douglas County Courthouse on alternating Thursdays from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. You must preregister for the seminar by calling the Conciliation and Mediation Services Office at (402) 444-7169 or signing up online here. The fee for the seminar is $50.00.
There are other seminars, both in person and online available for parents in Nebraska. For a complete list of seminars that meet the requirements of the Nebraska Parenting Act, please refer to the list of Parenting Classes provided by the Nebraska Supreme Court.
Upon attendance, make sure you provide a copy of your certificate of completion to your attorney.
Parenting Plan
The Nebraska Parenting Act requires all parents involved in a legal action regarding custody or parenting time be required to have a parenting plan. A parenting plan is a document that details how you and the other parent will parent your child upon divorce or separation.
The content of the parenting plan will address in detail many issues, including the following:
- Legal custody
- Physical custody
- Routine parenting time
- Holiday and vacation parenting time
- Transportation to facilitate parenting time
- Communication between the parents and the child(ren)
- Decision making protocols for issues regarding the child(ren)
- Safety provisions for the parents and child(ren), if necessary
- School attendance
- Access to records regarding the child(ren)
- Exchange of current contact information, including address and phone numbers
- Mediation provision for any future disputes regarding the plan
- Any other provisions agreed upon by the parties which supports the best interests of the child(ren)
If you and the other parent are unable to reach an agreement regarding all of the necessary provisions in your parenting plan, you will be required to attempt mediation.
Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, who is trained specifically in parenting plans, will assist parents in discussing and reaching agreements regarding the custody and care of their children.