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The Nebraska Lawyer: Words from the Wise by Angela Dunne

The Nebraska Lawyer: The Parentage Problem: Recognizing and Protecting Nebraska Families with an Acknowledgment of Parentage by Angela Lennon and Katie Vogel

The Nebraska Lawyer: Protecting the Rights of Creatives: An Introduction to Common Issues Facing Content Creators by Michael Brewer and Jason R. Thomas

The Nebraska Lawyer: Cultivating Law Firm Culture by Susan Koenig and Angela Dunne

The Nebraska Lawyer: Dealing with Student Loans in a Divorce by Michael Brewer

The Nebraska Lawyer: The Benefits of Bostock: Extending Workplace Protections to LGBTQ Employees by Angela Dunne and Jayden Barth

The Nebraska Lawyer: Filing a Military Divorce in Nebraska: Untying the Jurisdictional Knot by Angela Dunne and David Pontier

The Nebraska Lawyer: Step-By-Step Guidance: Empowering Pro Se Litigants Through Technology by Angela Dunne and Angela Lennon

The Nebraska Lawyer: Back to School Basics: A Guide for Navigating Legal Custody for Education Purposes by Lindsay Belmont

The Nebraska Lawyer: Bringing Back Creative by Susan Koenig

The Nebraska Lawyer: A House Divided: Stephens’ Active Appreciation Rule and its Repercussions for Equitably Dividing Nonmarital Assets in Nebraska by David Pontier and Angela Dunne

The Nebraska Lawyer: The Division of Railroad Retirement Benefits in a Divorce in Nebraska by Angela Lennon

The Nebraska Lawyer: To Young Lawyers: Be Willing by Lindsay Belmont

The Nebraska Lawyer: How Smart Lawyers Squander Talent, and How to Get it Back Again by Susan Ann Koenig

The Nebraska Lawyer: How to Establish Yourself as an Expert: 5 Tips for Young Lawyers by Angela Lennon

The Nebraska Lawyer: Money Matters: Challenging Assumptions and Implementing Systems for Managing Account Receivables by Susan Koenig

The Nebraska Lawyer: The “Freedom to Marry” Case: 5 Keys to Experiencing the “This is Why I Went to Law School” Feeling by Susan Koenig

The Nebraska Lawyer: Domestic Delegation: Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act by Angela Dunne and Adam Astley

The Nebraska Lawyer: Advocacy for the Young Lawyer by Angela Lennon

The Nebraska Lawyer: Taking a Bill to Capitol Hill by Angela Dunne

The Nebraska Lawyer: The Changing Face of Families: In the Place of Primary Parenthood by Angela Dunne and Angela Lennon

The Nebraska Lawyer: Courageous Conversations Part 2 by Susan Koenig

The Nebraska Lawyer: Courageous Conversations Part 1 by Susan Koenig

The Nebraska Lawyer: Celebrating the Seasons of Our Life: A Lawyer’s Winter by Susan Koenig

The Nebraska Lawyer: Celebrating the Seasons of Our Life: A Lawyer’s Autumn by Susan Koenig

The Nebraska Lawyer: Celebrating the Seasons of Our Life: A Lawyer’s Summer by Susan Koenig

The Nebraska Lawyer: Celebrating the Seasons of Our Life: A Lawyer’s Spring by Susan Koenig

Creighton Law Review: Advocacy for Nebraska Children with Gay and Lesbian Parents: A Call for the Best Interest of the Child to be Paramount in the Case of Non-Biological, Non-Adoptive Parents by Susan Koenig and Angela Dunne