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The Rest of the Story

The Rest of the Story

The outcome seemed so wrong.
Sandy was a
loving mom. Bright, creative. Her nature was to nurture. She made home cooked
meals. She grew a garden in the back yard of her small but tidy house. She
believed the home should be peaceful but joyful and child focused. How did she
lose custody of her only child—ten year old Amanda?

It’s not that George was a bad father. He was just a different
type of parent. He lived in an apartment and made fast food a regular diet. He
had changed roommates once again. While Amanda like to read books at her mom’s
house, she was more likely to watch t.v. at her dad’s place while he was in
front of his computer in the next room.

While Sandy didn’t think that George would ever
abuse Amanda, she was authentically concerned about neglect. Sandy had always assumed responsibility for
everything from seeing that Amanda had lunch money to registering her for
soccer. She was just sure she could provide a better environment for Amanda’s
day-to-day growing up.

Despite knowing the risks
that custody might not be awarded to her, Sandy
took the court ruling hard. 

As a divorce lawyer, few
outcomes were ever tougher for me than a disappointing custody decision from
the court. I spent many an anxious day and sleepless night when what mattered
most in our clients’ lives was at risk.

As lawyers, intellectually
we know that that we don’t make the law, create the facts, pick the judge, or
determine what comes out of the mouth of a witness on the stand. But it’s still
hard to not to take it personally when a client’s heart is broken by what we
think is a bad decision.

A number of years after Sandy’s day in court, I
received a letter from her. It was postmarked from two states away. It read
much like this:

                        Dear Susan,

thought you would like to hear how things turned out for

and me since that day we were in court and

looked so dark. 


couple of years after Amanda went to live with her dad,

was diagnosed with AIDS.  She lived with
him until he

too ill to care for her. He died a few months later.


                        Those short
years Amanda and her dad had together were

                        precious for
them both. While it was very difficult for me at the time,

                        I see that
everything turned out the way it was meant to.


                        I thought
you’d want to know.



As a divorce lawyer we often
don’t get to hear the end of the story for our clients. We may never learn
about a future reconciliation, a happy remarriage, or the joys being
experienced in a new life after divorce. We may never know the hidden blessings
within a decision that looks devastating in the moment.

As you move through your
divorce, have faith that the story of your life is not yet fully written. Trust
that you cannot know everything the future holds for you and your children. A
dark day may one day be seen as just another step in the unfolding events of
what was meant to be.

Coach Koenig

As you look back on your life, can you remember a
dark day that you now see was what was meant to be?

1 Comment

  1. Susan, Thank you for the thoughtful, well-written, touching story.

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