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Month: July 2021

July 2021

One In A Million

Maybe you have one. Your “Go-To Spirit Lifter.” Joyce is mine. When my mind was a mess, Joyce listened with the same compassion she’d give to a 7-year-old at the elementary school where she was a counselor. Her infectious laugh leaves you wondering why you ever thought you had something to cry about. Just before the pandemic we celebrated (There is a lot of celebrating when you are with Joyce) her birthday with a glorious sail on a Florida bay. My next visit I don’t expect she’ll remember me. Joyce was diagnosed with a rare and rapidly progressing brain disease.
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Advanced Child Tax Credit Monthly Payments: Important Information for Divorced Co-parents

On July 15th, the American Rescue Plan’s expanded child tax credit program will take effect. Under the expanded program, qualifying families will receive a monthly payment of up to $300 per month for each child under 6 and up to $250 per month for each child 6-17 years old. The expanded program also allows for half of the child tax credit for next year to be paid in advance to whomever claimed the dependent in 2020. For divorced parents, this expanded program raises many concerns, especially for those who alternate the tax years for which they claim their children as
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Listen To Me

Sometime before the sunlight snuck around the sides of the bedroom shades a delicious sounding summer rain began to fall. The darkness told me I need not rush out from under the comfort of my cotton quilt.  I listened.  I fell back to sleep with the peace of knowing the purple clematis would get her daily drink without me. The back yard’s newly sewn grass seeds would be grateful, too.  At 6:22 the seven o’clock train announced its arrival in the distance, sounding the same whistle I’ve heard since I was a child. The window ledge pigeon and her two babies were silent, but the birds whose songs I vowed in the spring to learn but haven’t yet, sang good morning.   Time to wake up.  The wheels of the cars of the early
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