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Month: January 2025

January 2025

The Goal

She shot.  She scored!  And I missed it. Maybe in your household your child scoring a soccer goal is a regular occurrence and accomplishment.  But in our household, for our Sophia, it is nothing short of a minor miracle.  Sophia does not play sports out of athletic drive, skill, or competitiveness.  She plays for the simple enjoyment of being on a team.  She loves the social aspect of sports teams.  She does not love any type of contact with a soccer ball. Suffice it to say, this was an event.  At the time of the goal, I was on the
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Does it Matter Which Spouse Files for Divorce?

Deciding to proceed with a divorce is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make.  Moreover, filing for divorce might feel like a daunting task, even if both spouses want a divorce. So, does it matter which spouse files for divorce?  The short answer is No. In the eyes of the court, both spouses are entitled to adequate notice and a chance to be heard and present arguments. Thus, from the Court’s perspective, it does not matter which spouse files first because the court is a neutral decision-maker. As a neutral decision-maker, the court will not give preference to the spouse based
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One Little Word

Joy. Calm.  Beyond.  These words start to fill up my social media feeds at the first of the year when people are apt to choose “one little word” to set a specific intention or provide inspiration for the year ahead.  Some chose companion words to provide subtext for a goal:  grit, glory, gumption.  Over the years, I’ve had some of my words gifted to me in bracelets by friends as a reminder to keep focus. What if this year your one little word is “divorce?”  What if you have been struggling in your marriage for years and this is the
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What Can and Can’t the Judge Do For You?

During a custody case, if you and your spouse are unable to agree on a parenting plan, the judge may have to make decisions regarding the parenting plan for you. If a judge becomes involved in custody decisions, it is important to keep in mind what the judge can and cannot do for you. General standard for custody cases: In general, judges are bound to make custody decisions based on the law and their interpretation of the law. Specifically, in Nebraska, custody decisions are made under the “best interests” standard, meaning judges make decisions based on what they believe will
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Resolve to Celebrate

I weigh myself.  Ugh.  Add that to the list of resolutions.  I stare into my messy closet. Ugh.  Add that to the list of resolutions.  I can count the number of vegetables in my house on two fingers.  Ugh.  Add that to the list of resolutions.  And I keep going until my list is in the double digits and my energy is deflated.  I start my new year off eating a donut and putting Christmas décor in my closet to put away later. “A new year.  A new start.  A new you.”  The predictable and tired advertisements come rolling in
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