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Category: Legal Process

Insightful blogs by esteemed Nebraska divorce attorneys. Navigate the divorce process with expertise and confidence. Get informed, stay empowered.

Legal Process

Insightful blogs by esteemed Nebraska divorce attorneys. Navigate the divorce process with expertise and confidence. Get informed, stay empowered.

Understanding the Phases of a Divorce Trial

While every divorce differs, the divorce trial process in Nebraska does not.  Here’s what you can expect: Step 1:  Filing the complaint The person who initiates the divorce by filing the complaint first is referred to as the “Plaintiff,” while the non-filing spouse is referred to as the “Defendant.” The purpose of the complaint is to advise the court that a divorce has been filed and what issues are involved (property division, alimony, children, etc.). Finally, the complaint informs the court what the filing spouse would like to be awarded in the divorce. Step 2:  Service/Voluntary appearance Once the complaint
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What Can and Can’t the Judge Do For You?

During a custody case, if you and your spouse are unable to agree on a parenting plan, the judge may have to make decisions regarding the parenting plan for you. If a judge becomes involved in custody decisions, it is important to keep in mind what the judge can and cannot do for you. General standard for custody cases: In general, judges are bound to make custody decisions based on the law and their interpretation of the law. Specifically, in Nebraska, custody decisions are made under the “best interests” standard, meaning judges make decisions based on what they believe will
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How to Legally Change Your Name in Nebraska

If you are preparing for or are in the process of getting a divorce, you will want to consider whether or not to restore your former name. Nebraska has a fairly easy process for accomplishing this as part of your divorce process. If you want to have your former (maiden) name restored, you should take the following steps: Request the change in your initial filing.  If you are initiating the divorce action, ask your attorney to include a request for restoration of your maiden name in your initial complaint.  If your spouse initiated the divorce, be sure that your answer
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Timeline for Divorce in Nebraska

How long will my divorce take?  This is one of the most common questions during an initial consultation.  There are many unknowns during the divorce process and the ultimate timeline for the completion of a divorce is one of them. The earliest timeframe in which you can complete your divorce is 60 days after the Complaint for Dissolution is filed and the Defendant-Spouse has received notice of the filing.  The notice requirement is completed by either having the sheriff serve them a copy of the Complaint or by the Defendant-Spouse filing a voluntary appearance with the Clerk of the District
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Settlement v. Trial: 10 Things to Consider

All divorces end by either settling or going to trial. While the vast majority take the former route, settlement is not always the best or most appropriate option. Determining whether to settle or to take your case to trial can be a difficult decision. Here are some questions to consider when making your decision. How fast do I want my case resolved? If completing your case as soon as possible is important to you, then settlement may be favorable to trial. How much money am I willing to spend on my case? Trials can add a significant cost to your
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Keep Your Divorce Confidential: 5 Tips for Protecting Your Attorney Client Privilege

Communications between you and your lawyer are protected by one of your rights known as the attorney-client privilege. The purpose of the attorney-client privilege is to encourage you to disclose all relevant information related to your case to your attorney by protecting certain disclosures from being revealed at a hearing or trial. This privileged information remains private and confidential between you and your attorney (and your legal team), unless the privilege is waived by voluntary disclosure to third parties. To ensure that communications between you and your lawyer remain confidential, and to protect against losing such privilege, below are tips
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Divorce Mediation for Business Owners 

At Koenig|Dunne, we know that divorce is one of the most challenging and stressful times of your life, regardless of the circumstances.    For business owners, facing a divorce can seem even more challenging.  Many business owners are worried about the impact the divorce will have on their business, or if their business will survive the divorce at all.   Going through a contested, litigated business divorce may negatively impact the business, as the divorcing owners’ time, attention, and energy is pulled away from work to tend to meetings with lawyers, experts, and court hearings that can last months (to years).  That
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The Benefits of Divorce Mediation- Part 1

When facing divorce, there are many factors to consider, and no two divorces are the same.  For spouses interested in a mediated divorce, you will focus on achieving a fair and equitable settlement through the mediation process.  You will work with a neutral third-party mediator to reach a mutually acceptable and sustainable resolution without court intervention.    For many spouses, the divorce mediation process has benefits over the traditional litigated divorce process, including:  Puts Children First  Divorce mediation does not focus on tearing one parent down to build the other one up.  Both parents come to the table to work with
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Answers to Common Questions Regarding Same-Sex Marriage, Divorce, Custody, and Estate Planning in Nebraska

Koenig|Dunne is proud to have served the LGBTQIA community for many years, including partnerships with the ACLU, the Nebraska ACLU, and Lambda Legal Defense Fund, to protect and preserve the rights of the LGBTQIA community. Last weekend, our team was happy to show our support for the LGBTQIA community here in Omaha at the 2022 Heartland Pride Parade. During our conversations with members of the community during the event, we heard similar questions being asked of our legal team. Below is a summary of the common questions we were asked and our brief answers.  1. What does the Dobbs decision
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Uncontested Divorce in Nebraska

No two divorces are the same.  Some are highly contested, litigated, and expensive legal actions.  Others are uncontested and require the parties to cooperate to complete the necessary legal documents.  However, they are the same in that they each come with their own sets of challenges and underlying heartbreak. In an uncontested divorce, the parties are able to reach an agreement (usually by having conversations in advance), about the disputed issues in their case, including: Custody of their children Parenting time schedule Payment of child support and the children’s expenses Division of their assets and debts Who will keep the
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