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Category: Divorce Tips

Unlock essential divorce tips for Nebraska. Navigate your divorce proceedings smoothly with expert guidance and valuable insights.

Divorce Tips

Unlock essential divorce tips for Nebraska. Navigate your divorce proceedings smoothly with expert guidance and valuable insights.

Tips for Creating a Divorce Agreement You Can Live With

Whatever disagreements may have attributed to your impending divorce, your goal should be to forge a divorce agreement that both parties can live with over time. The goal is not to be punitive; rather, it is to find a way to build new and separate lives where you both will thrive without bitterness or retribution. Keeping that in mind, here are some tips on creating a good divorce agreement: Understand your finances. If your spouse has always handled the financial stuff, it’s time to get educated about your financial picture. If you need help understanding them, hire a financial advisor
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5 Questions to Ask Your Divorce Attorney in the Initial Consultation

When meeting with an attorney for the first time in the divorce process, it is important that you receive candid advice to any questions or concerns that you may have. While your attorney may not be able to answer all of your questions during the initial consultation, your attorney should be able to provide you with guidance and insight. When preparing your list of initial consultation questions, here are five suggestions to add to your list: What information do you need from me? To complete a divorce, a number of documents have to be collected. Ask your attorney to provide
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Five Tips for Collecting Evidence for a Divorce

Divorce trials and other court hearings often hinge on which spouse can provide the best evidence to the court to support his or her arguments. Which spouse has been his or her child’s primary caregiver? How much income has a spouse earned over the past year? Did a spouse acquire a disputed piece of property before marriage? When courts must decide these types of issues, courts must rely on the evidence they are presented by the parties. Here are five tips for improving the evidence for your case: Written Communication If something important must be said between you and your
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Going to Court

“Going to court” can mean many different things during the divorce process. You may have to go to court for a hearing, a pre-trial conference, or trial. Sometimes it is permissible for your attorney to appear on your behalf without the need for you to go. Sometimes the judge will want to hear you testify. Sometimes the judge will read your sworn statement and listen to the lawyers’ arguments in order to make a decision. The thought of going to court can be anxiety-provoking. The fear of the unknown may set in. It is important to communicate with your attorney
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Health Insurance and Divorce in Nebraska – Your Options

How you will maintain health insurance coverage during and after your divorce is an important issue to be considered.  Your options may be complex and expensive, and the impact of having a lapse in coverage can range from unfortunate to disastrous. Divorce is considered a Qualifying Life Event, which makes you eligible for a Special Enrollment Period, allowing you to enroll in health insurance coverage outside of the yearly Open Enrollment Period, which generally takes place in November or December of each year.  Below are 5 options to consider for obtaining post-divorce health insurance coverage. Remain on Ex-Spouse’s Health Insurance
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3 Ways to Value your Home in a Divorce in Nebraska

In a divorce, it’s likely your martial home is one of the most valuable assets you and your spouse own.  Regardless of which spouse keeps the home, the equity in the home will need to be divided.  Equity is the difference between the value of the home and the amount owed in mortgages (or other liens, such as a home equity line of credit) against the property.  To determine how much equity is in your home, you’ll need to determine the value of your home.  This can be determined a number of ways in a divorce in Nebraska. You and
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5 Tips Before Filing for Divorce

Divorce is all we do.  With almost 70 years of combined experience among our lawyers, we’ve had thousands of consultations with people at the beginning stages of their divorce.  Here are five of the most common tips for you to consider before you decide to file for divorce (or if you think your spouse is contemplating a divorce). Seek counseling.  Even if you do not think there is hope for your marriage, counseling can be an important source of support for you during the divorce process.  If your spouse is willing to participate, you may both benefit from professional mental health support. 
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The Blame Game

Divorce Made Simple: Each month in addition to our usual “Doing Divorce” blog posts, we will be providing additional practical information on the legal process of divorce. Attorney Angela Lennon will bring you the logistics of the legal process in a way that is easy to understand. This month’s blog is about what a “no-fault” divorce really means. The Blame Game: Setting Aside Fault in the Divorce Process Nebraska is a no-fault divorce state. This means you do not have to prove who is at fault in your marriage to obtain a divorce.  However, that does not mean “fault’ and
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