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Tag: child support

child support

5 Common Misconceptions About Child Support in Nebraska

In Nebraska, child support is calculated by using a mathematical formula established by state law. While determining child support is an inevitable issue to be resolved in divorce involving minor children, many parents may not understand the specific nuances of child support. For example: How can child support be spent? Am I responsible to pay for anything else beyond my monthly payments? When does child support begin and end? Answers to these questions often surprise divorcing parents. Below are five common misconceptions about child support in Nebraska. Misconception 1: If my ex-spouse and I share joint custody, no child support
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Divorce Tax Tips: 5 Most Common Divorce Tax Questions in Nebraska

Do I have to pay income tax when my ex-spouse and I transfer property or pay a property settlement per the terms of our divorce decree? No.  The transfer of property (or payment of a property settlement payment) pursuant to a divorce decree is not taxable.  However, you’ll want to keep in mind the future tax consequences of a subsequent sale, withdrawal, or transfer of assets that you received in a property settlement. Does the payment or receipt of child support impact my taxes? No.  Child support is not taxed as income to the parent who receives it nor deductible
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Temporary Child Support in Nebraska

After your divorce has been filed, you might find that there are temporary issues that need to be resolved before the final Decree is entered and your divorce is complete.  Most commonly, after parents separate households and finances, a temporary child support award is necessary to ensure that the minor children’s financial needs are met during the pendency of the divorce.  If you and your spouse are unable to agree upon the amount of temporary support to be paid each month, your attorney can file a motion for temporary support asking the judge to determine how much child support should
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Changes to the Nebraska Child Support Guidelines

The new year brought new changes to the Nebraska Child Support Guidelines. If you currently pay or receive child support in Nebraska, a re-calculation under the new rules could drastically change the amount you pay or receive, respectively. So, what changed? Monthly Support The child support tables (found here) have been amended. The new tables affect each parent’s monthly share, and application of the new tables will almost certainly lower the amount of child support owed. Total Monthly Income The Nebraska Child Support Guidelines directs how we determine a parent’s “total monthly income” for child support purposes. Courts can consider
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How Unemployment Affects Child Support in Nebraska

Losing a job is stressful for many reasons, but especially so if you are responsible for paying — or if you’re receiving — child support.  How your unemployment affects your child support payments depends on your individual situation.  However, one thing is certain: Nebraska courts take child support obligations very seriously, so you shouldn’t believe that you can get your support order modified immediately because of a job loss. If you have lost your job and have child support obligations, you should work to find another job immediately.  The court can assign an income level to you based on your
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How is Child Support Affected by Parenting Time?

In Nebraska, the amount of parenting time with your children directly affects the amount of child support you will receive or owe to your former spouse. Generally speaking, the more parenting time, the more child support you will receive. Here are answers to three frequently asked questions regarding how parenting time affects child support: How Is Parenting Time Calculated? For the purpose of calculating child support, parenting time is defined by the total number of “overnights” that a parent has with the children during a year. For example, if you and your former spouse share an equal amount of parenting
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Important Post-Divorce Actions

To ensure a smooth transition into your post-divorce new normal, your Koenig│Dunne team has identified the following important actions for you to take: Informational filing.  If support (child support and/or alimony) has been ordered in your case, Nebraska law requires you to provide the clerk of the court with your address, telephone number, social security number, employer, and certain information related to employer-provided health insurance. If any of this information changes after your divorce is final, you must provide the updated information to the clerk in your county. Property actions. If you and your former spouse owned a home and
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What is a Child Support Deviation?

In Nebraska, child support is determined by following the Nebraska Supreme Court’s child support guidelines. These guidelines are applied as a rebuttable presumption, meaning they are to be followed unless one parent provides evidence, or the court decides the guidelines should not apply under the specific circumstances. When this happens, a deviation has occurred. The Nebraska Child Support Guidelines provide five instances where deviations are permissible: When there are extraordinary medical costs of either parent or child; When special needs of a disabled child exist; When total net income of the parents exceeds $15,000 monthly; For juveniles placed in foster
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What is a District Court Referee?

While most family law cases in Nebraska are heard exclusively by Nebraska district courts, a small number of family law cases are instead heard by district court referees, often referred to as child support referees. Who is a District Court Referee? District court referees are attorneys who have been appointed by Nebraska courts to provide rulings on certain family law issues. They are typically longstanding practitioners who have a great deal of experience in family law. A district court referee listens to evidence presented by parties at trial, similarly to a district court judge. What Type of Cases Are Assigned
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Securing Your Support Payments

Your divorce may result in the court ordering two types of support payments – child support and/or alimony. One way to ensure court-ordered is paid in full is to request the payor (the person ordered to pay support) to maintain a life insurance policy. The recipient should be named the beneficiary of the policy and the amount of the policy should be sufficient to satisfy the full amount of support ordered in the event the payor dies. Every support award is comprised of two factors – amount & duration: Alimony: If alimony is awarded in your case, you will know
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